Menus propos sur vin naturel...
The wine philosophy of Pierre Jancou.
What I drink is alive...
I drink only wine made from organically grown grapes. Wine that is unfiltered and unfined. Wine that is made without the addition of cultured yeasts or of sugar. Wine that cannot be made except in small quantities.
What I drink is pure...
Where nothing alien or artificial is present to alter the taste of the grape, and of the place where it has grown. Where sulphur (added to stabilise the wine) is used in only the smallest amounts, or not used at all.
What I drink is natural...
I drink it for the pleasure of recovering the harmony between man and the soil. From the profound conviction that I am what I eat, and I am what I drink. For the peace of mind that comes from harming neither man, nor the vine, nor the soil.
What I drink is good…
I drink it out of preference and for pleasure. And the proof is this : once you have tasted these wines, you will never go back to drinking a processed commercial product.