Further reading on natural wine
Most of the best writing on natural wine is in French and most of it from a single publisher, Jean-Paul Rocher.
But there are some some excellent books in English on other aspects of wine, many of which touch on the issues involved.
In French
All published by Jean-Paul Rocher.
About natural wine :
Vin bio, mode d'emploi
Jerome van der Putt
ISBN 2-911361-84-2
An excellent primer on natural wine. Organic wine law, biodynamics, sulphur, all covered in clearly written and well thought out prose. You won't need perfect French to find it useful.
Guide de l'amateur des vins naturels
Dominique Lacout
ISBN 2-911361-68-7
The best and only guide to natural winemakers, natural wine cavistes, and restaurants with natural winelists, in Paris and the rest of France. A little too inclusive perhaps, but almost all of the best producers are here.
About Jules Chauvet :
Le vin en question/Wine in Question
Jules Chauvet
ISBN 2-911361-08-3
An excellent interview with the man himself. There is a (slightly suspect) English translation at the back. Wise, insightful, and endearingly modest. Also available in Italian.
Jules Chauvet, naturellement...
Jules Chauvet, et al.
ISBN 2-911361-81-4
A collection of interviews, anecdotes, and publications in celebration of a natural wine pioneer.
Jules Chauvet ou le talent du vin
Jules Chauvet
ISBN 2-911361-04-0
The collected texts of Chauvet's scientific publications. Invaluable for a Francophone winemaker, but a bit technical for the rest of us.
In English
Real Wine
Patrick Matthews
ISBN 1-84000-257-3
Examines naturalness and authenticity in wine through the eyes of the Californian wine industry. Matthews is the nearest thing natural wine has to a champion in English. His other book is also worth a look.
Adventures on the Wine Route
Kermit Lynch
ISBN 0-374-52266-9
The personal reflections of a very successful wine importer with natural leanings. Out of date and self-indulgent at times, but basically sound. Lynch writes about meeting Jules Chauvet without quite grasping the other man's importance.
Wine Science
Jamie Goode
ISBN 1-84000-968-3
A sane look at the many relationships between wine and science. Goode writes clearly enough and is prepared to give natural wines a hearing. His site is also useful.